Look here for general updates on church activities, events, etc.
Hymn of the Month for March :: "Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful)"
Each month this year, we're diving into the lyrical depth of some great hymns.The themes of the 12 hymns are:Peace, not InstabilityandGrace, not Self.For March (and starting this Sunday) we will be focusing onPraise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful). One line (in verse 3) to focus on is: "Ponder anew what the Almighty can do". Our thoughts are too small, our focus too distract...
Keep ReadingFour Questions on Fasting
Four Questions on Fasting...
Keep ReadingFasting Vision for January 2021
VISION FOR FASTING | January 10th-24th Antioch is casting a vision for a three week fast starting this Sunday, January 3rd. They have invited us to join them. Throughout the three weeks, there will be morning prayer times and Thursday evening worship times. You are free to attend any/all! Tues Thurs mornings 7-8am @ Antioch Church OfficeM-F Noon prayer @ Multi-purpose r...
Keep ReadingGood Friday Prayer

Join us as we "gather" for prayer on Good Friday to prepare our hearts for the Easter celebration! We will join together on Zoom to pray as a church family. Please look for an email from Faith that contains the call-in and password information. 12:00-3:00 Fasting to prepare our hearts3:00 Prayer together online"At the ninth hour, Jesus cried out, 'My God, My God, why have...
Keep ReadingStrengthening the Home | Examples of Evening Activities

The Gathering, We hope everyone is doing well during this "stay at home" period. Since you are home more than normal, we'd like to recommend a few things to help you grow as a family. I don't know about you, but our family thrives when Mom and Dad give a little direction and structure to the evenings. How great is it when Mom and Dad can hype up a fun and exciting eveni...
Keep ReadingGlobal Prayer Initiative | Toronto

The Gathering, We are continuing our "Global Prayer Initiative" in order to pray specifically about how we can love and serve the YMCA internationally. We're asking, "Where to Lord?"This month, we are devoting the YMCA of Toronto to prayer. So that you can pray with us, here's a few ways to get to know pray for the Toronto YMCAs Getting to know the Toronto YMCA: A qu...
Keep ReadingGlobal Prayer Initiative | Jerusalem

The Gathering, We are continuing our "Global Prayer Initiative" in order to pray specifically about how we can love and serve the YMCA internationally. We're asking, "Where to Lord?" This month, we are devoting the YMCA of Jerusalem to prayer. So that you can pray with us, here's a few ways to get to know pray for the Jerusalem YMCA Getting to know the Jerusalem YMCA: ...
Keep ReadingGlobal Prayer Initiative | Paris

The Gathering, We are continuing our "Global Prayer Initiative" in order to pray specifically about how we can love and serve the YMCA internationally. Essentially, we're spending 2019 to ask, "Where to Lord?" We have chosen several influential cities that are: Cultural and business hubs Regionally influencing Ethnically diverse Globally impacting Economically dive...
Keep ReadingGlobal Prayer Initiative | London

The Gathering, Two weeks ago, we launched our "Global Prayer Initiative" in order to pray specifically and strategically about missions. We have chosen several influential cities that are: Cultural and business hubs Regionally influencing Ethnically diverse Globally impacting Economically diverse Physically and spiritually in need Unique to our mission, we are ...
Keep ReadingWhy the YMCA?

Why the YMCA? Since our genesis, we've used a phrase to describe our philosophy of ministry. It goes like this: "Loving our community by loving the YMCA". What does that mean? If you are one to parse words, there's a lot to discuss in that short phrase. I'd like to start with the "YMCA" part. Why the YMCA? Rather than having a view of simply "renting a space", we see the...
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