| Up | Love One God
A Commitment to a Sound Gospel.
The people of God love the gospel as revealed in the Scriptures. Thus, we must not shrink back from submitting to His word and proclaiming the whole counsel of God (Heb 1:1-4, Acts 20:27). This church must make a commitment from her genesis to cherish God’s word. Therefore, we are committed to expositional preaching. We believe the best normative diet for the feeding of God’s people is the verse-by-verse, book-by-book preaching of God’s word so that the gospel of Jesus Christ might be clearly seen and heard (John 5:39, 2 Tim 3:15-16, John 21:15-16).
A Commitment to Elder Leadership.
Isn’t it profound that the first thing that Paul tells Titus to do is to “appoint elders” (Titus 1:5)? The high calling and charge of the officers of the church is important to God. Therefore, we are committed to a plurality of Elders in order to oversee and shepherd the flock of God (1 Peter 5:2, Acts 20, 1 Tim 3). That is to say, we reject the notion of the church established by one man or one personality other than the person of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:20-21).
| In | Love One Another
A Commitment to Local, Meaningful Membership.
A Christian is an individual who has repented of his sins and placed his faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. This individual is one who was once far away from God, has been brought near by the blood of Christ, and is now a child of God and an heir with Christ Jesus (Eph 2:13, 1 Jn 3:1, Rom 8:17). Christ is the head of the Church (Eph 1:22). The Church is the body of Christ. In this sense, everyone who “calls upon the name of the Lord” is saved and is a part of Christ’s church. While all who are saved are members of the church at large (universal), loving and following Jesus is expressed at a local level. Church membership is the local church’s opportunity to make the gospel seen clearly through worshiping Him together, nourishing each other, and evangelizing the lost. Therefore, in order to shepherd our people and equip them for the work of ministry, we are committed to encourage people to be involved in a community group so that they may live out the “one-another’s” of the Bible.
A Commitment to Discipleship.
The Great Commission calls us to make disciples. Paul instructed Timothy to “entrust these truths to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (Mt 28:18-20, 2 Tim 2:2). Making disciples is the process of bringing people to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and helping them to become like Him by using the word of God in the context of relationship (1 Thess 2:8). Therefore, we are committed to sharing the gospel with the lost and helping every Christian become a disciple-making disciple.
| Out | Making disciples of all peoples
A Commitment to Evangelism.
The Bible tells us “Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Therefore, we are committed to being a witness to the lost through personal evangelism to our neighbors, those in our workplaces, the community around us and the nations. As a community, we are specifically committed to using the YMCA of Maineville as a platform for genuine gospel ministry.
A Commitment to Church Planting.
Just as we personally make disciples, we also aim to plant churches locally and globally. Therefore, we are committed to train laborers for the ministry and send them to plant churches with other elders and members of the body of Christ. Our unique relationship with the YMCA enables us to especially focus on areas with YMCA’s and partner with them to make the gospel heard and embraced.