Family Memorization Plan

Memorization Guide

Family Memorization Plan

This year, we are seeking to memorize one verse a week from the “crown jewel of Scripture”, Romans 8. Have you ever tried to memorize a larger passage of scripture? What about as a family? It is certainly not a walk in the park, but your efforts will end in treasuring the Lord more through His word. Here is a creative breakdown for you and your family as you dive into Romans 8. Click on the day of the week to see a video explanation.


Whether it is over the breakfast or dinner table, get out your bibles and journals and spend your Monday devotional time copying the verse down. Have someone read it and have everyone write it out in their journals. "Copying" might seem like a cold, heartless activity, but it is a great way to begin memorizing God's word.


Here's the Family Memorization Plan for Tuesday! We're doing "Motions" to solidify the text in your minds and hearts. Have fun with it! Tip: Don't feel the pressure to assign a motion to every word or phrase. Choose 1-2 that drive the text and help with understanding.


Here's the Family Memorization Plan for Wednesday. As you hide God's word in your heart, drawing it is a fantastic way to engage all ages in the scripture memory process. Be as creative as you can!


Here's the Family Memorization Plan for Thursday to "write it". This is a great chance to see if your Monday-Wednesday discussions "stuck". By writing it out, it gives the visual learner a chance to slow down. Oral learners can't stand this day! Haha.


Friday's plan is to recite the verse of the week and review the rest of the verses you have been working on. By recite, we mean to use all the cues from Monday-Thursday in order to speak it out with confidence. If faith comes through hearing (Rom 10:17), our aim is to be able to say the verse word for word.


Saturday tends to be a little slower of a morning...unless you are an athletic family:) So, on your way to the soccer fields or volleyball courts, use the time in the car to ask your kids about the verse they have been meditating and memorizing. Example questions: "How has this verse shaped or changed your thinking?" "Has this verse changed your way of living in any way?"

Here's our guide for you to download and pass along: Family Memorization Plan