Archives for March 2019

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Global Prayer Initiative | Paris

Global Prayer Initiative

The Gathering, We are continuing our "Global Prayer Initiative" in order to pray specifically about how we can love and serve the YMCA internationally. Essentially, we're spending 2019 to ask, "Where to Lord?" We have chosen several influential cities that are: Cultural and business hubs Regionally influencing Ethnically diverse Globally impacting Economically dive...

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2019 Prayer from the Elders


Click HERE to read the 2019 Prayer from the Elders...

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Global Prayer Initiative | London

Global Prayer Initiative

The Gathering, Two weeks ago, we launched our "Global Prayer Initiative" in order to pray specifically and strategically about missions. We have chosen several influential cities that are: Cultural and business hubs Regionally influencing Ethnically diverse Globally impacting Economically diverse Physically and spiritually in need Unique to our mission, we are ...

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Why the YMCA?

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Why the YMCA? Since our genesis, we've used a phrase to describe our philosophy of ministry. It goes like this: "Loving our community by loving the YMCA". What does that mean? If you are one to parse words, there's a lot to discuss in that short phrase. I'd like to start with the "YMCA" part. Why the YMCA? Rather than having a view of simply "renting a space", we see the...

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